Tel : 1.819.671.0019 ( Canada )
After all these years of musical creativity, observation, and research, I remain convinced that ZEN music is the surest way
to LIVE in Harmony.

Music is the song of the SOUL

Maev Marchini, accomplished pianist and therapist, helps us to discover the unique resonance and sounds that will vibrate the body and soul. Energy Music is the result of research that began in 1985 with the aim of improving health, personal growth, meditation and many other applications. The vibratory principle of music is to destabilize the cells to enable them to restructure on a higher vibratory frenquency. The result of this repolarization ensures synergy and optimal communication between different cells. This way, the body escapes sickness and stress allowing the awakening of consciousness.
Maev explains:
My greatest pleasure is to do what others do not. Music has been one of my supports towards my creativity, like my paintings ...
Very young, I felt the effects of sounds in my body. I felt them resonate in a special way ... Which I did not understand. All I knew was that I felt at ease with my piano, during breaks, and whenever I had a free moment ...
Life has taught me that without observations it is not possible to understand what surrounds us. Intuitively I knew ... but what? It took me many years to feel comfortable with this form of writing and language, but the nicest results for me were to see the effects of my first songs on Stress.
It was magical even on me.
All I see, know and feel cannot be explained with words. Therefore it is only through the way I can see and explain with my language, that I can try and make this kind of music understood :
As a child, when I was learning to play piano (7 years old), I was amazed to feel in my body the resonance of the notes I was playing. Later, while my vision allowed me to see colors with the notes and thus realize the importance of Sound on every living or inert thing, I understood that by using music wisely, it was possible to succeed in transforming, or helping certain exchanges between sound and matter. So I started to make my observations and a year later, sound engineers, therapists and a doctor came to join me.
What happens at the level of matter is in fact a normal physical phenomenon. The power of sound through its vibrational frequency and its displacement in space, as well as the frequency of a cell, causes electromagnetic discharges. It is the repetitions of these phenomena that stimulate, energize and allow the elimination of certain cumbersome overloads. This is visible with an EXTRA-SENSORY vision, and sensitive to an extra sensitive developed touch. It is the later report and the clinical observation which makes it possible to understand that one is not mistaken.
Having worked in Bio-Energy, that is to say in recharging a body by external energies in reserve in nature (cosmic - telluric - quantum physics), excluding any intervention of our own energies, and allowing the in energizing the energies of the other, that I was able to see significant and sometimes lasting changes depending on the individual. With the sounds, the results were visible quickly and more stable over time. Especially if the person cooperated positively.
"The wind blows the clouds away, but others can darken the sky again. So the wind must come back." If a person's thoughts are clouded by a lack of will and consistency, it is obvious that the work takes longer. It was during all these observations that I was able to notice visually and clinically by change of the person and often spectacular releases that I will summarize:
The deep sounds act upon the back and the lower part of the body
The medium-pitched sounds act upon the muscles and the trunk.
The high-pitched sounds act upon the nerves and the head.
All living beings are thus part of a sphere.